You are a title sponsor of GOE Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation's, Vocational Training Program. Providing affordable housing and vocational training, leading to successful employment and home ownership.
Your sponsorship will not only make a large donation to the foundation, in addition you will receive:
* 16 player packages including Awards Dinner
* 4 x 8 Banner displayed at the Golf Course for all activities
* Your promotional media will be promoted on foundations website
* Promotional Items may be placed in player gift bags
* Mentions on all media outlets (Radio, Newspapers, TV and Social Media)
* Awarded the GEO Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation
Platinum Ambassadors Award
You are a title sponsor of GOE Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation's, Vocational Training Program. Providing affordable housing and vocational training, leading to successful employment and home ownership.
Your sponsorship will not only make a large donation to the foundation, in addition you will receive:
* 8 player package including Awards Dinner
* 4 x 8 Banner displayed at the Golf Course for all activities
* Your promotional media will be promoted on foundations website
* Promotional Items may be placed in player gift bags
* Mentions on all media outlets (Radio, Newspapers, TV and Social Media)
* Awarded the GEO Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation
Gold Ambassadors Award
You are a title sponsor of GOE Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation's, Vocational Training Program. Providing affordable housing and vocational training, leading to successful employment and home ownership.
Your sponsorship will not only make a large donation to the foundation, in addition you will receive:
* 4 player packages including Awards Dinner
* 2 x 4 Banner displayed at the Golf Course for all activities
* Your promotional media will be promoted on foundations website
* Promotional Items may be placed in player gift bags
* Mentions on all media outlets (Radio, Newspapers, TV and Social Media)
* Awarded the GEO Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation
Silver Ambassadors Award
Raffle Sponsor -- $1,000.00
You are a title sponsor of GOE Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation's Vocational Training Program. Providing affordable housing and vocational training, leading to successful employment and home ownership.
Your sponsorship will not only make a large donation to the foundation, in addition you will receive:
* 1 Player Golf Package, including Awards Brunch
* Logo included on Tournament Banner
* Your promotional media will be promoted on GOE Foundation website
* Promotional Items may be placed in player gift bags
* Mentions on all media outlets (Radio, Newspapers, TV and Social Media)
* Awarded the GEO Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation Ambassador Award
You are a title sponsor of GOE Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation's, Vocational Training Program. Providing affordable housing and vocational training, leading to successful employment and home ownership.
Your sponsorship will not only make a large donation to the foundation, in addition you will receive:
* 2 Brunch Tickets per Hole Sponsorship
* Hole sign / Hole Flag displayed on hole, logo included on
Tournament Banner, 8 ft Table, and 2 chairs
* Your promotional media will be promoted on GOE Foundation website
* Promotional Items may be placed in player gift bags
* Mentions on all media outlets (Radio, Newspapers, TV and Social Media)
* Awarded the GEO Reset Restart 5-5-5 Foundation Ambassador Award